Stop sending out hoaxes, please.

Especially for WhatsApp folks …. (most applicable as of now… )

I generally do not like to send out a piece of advice like this. But this has been going on for a while. And I can not control it now 🙂 I am talking about hoaxes. Most of you all know what it means but if you don’t, please read about it:

We have got so many ways to communicate now like on Email, WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, YouChat, HeChat, SheChat, TheyChat, etc, etc…. Everyday I see at least one or two hoaxes getting forwarded. Even our well-educated folks do this. My request to all of you that, before sending out such messages, at least do a simple google search about it and check for its validity. There are sites like Hoax Slayer, Hoax Buster where you will end up seeing that same message. PLEASE do not forward such messages to anyone.

Few people did say that “but we send out message because we care about our friends and we want to alert them”. I understand. Everyone is doing this with good intention. But you are actually misguiding them. 
Unnecessarily creating fear and negative thoughts. And you care more because its a free message 😛 Just kidding… but still don’t do it.

Let us all together stop this. I know its not easy to do it but not impossible. Earlier I used to tell that “stop forwarding all emails where we are asked to forward this email to 10 people and you will get good today ..etc etc” and now.. its time of such instant messengers where we need stop sending out or broadcast such messages.

WhatsApp/Viber specifically. 

“Hey.. its free messaging.. so why not send out this looong message which alerts people about not dialing #90 when someone calls.” or “people throwing eggs on your car and don’t start windshield wiper” blah blah…There are thousands of such messages…

My friend asked me “than what do these guys get by creating hoaxes?” I told him what I knew but detailed answer is here:

Thanks for reading.

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